
Health-boosting Home Improvement Projects for People Who Live Alone

These days, more people are living alone. They are part of the Living Well Alone Project which is a growing community of people who decided to go solo. The privacy and freedom of being the sole decision-maker are what drove many people to start living solo. Note that not all mono-dwellers or those that are a part of one-person households are lonely. In fact, many of them are well-connected to others but simply chose not to live with anyone else.

Due to the pandemic, people who have been living alone experienced loneliness. But like other homeowners, they too turned to home improvements as a way to ease their boredom and make their home a more convenient place to live. If this sounds like you, why not consider projects that can boost your health?

According to a study, people who are lonely experience worse symptoms whenever they get sick. You may think you are not lonely, but if you get sick during these days and you are alone in your house, it is easy to get lonely and depressed. Along with a healthy lifestyle, you can consider the following home improvement projects to be a great way to boost your health.

Replace Old Windows with Vinyl

There are many reasons why homeowners are falling in love with vinyl windows. For one, vinyl window installation is a good way to boost home aesthetics. These can be customized to fit your home’s character and these are fairly easy to install and maintain.

By installing new windows, you can be sure that your home is better insulated. You enjoy bigger energy savings which give you one less of a headache and more reasons to be happy about. Since vinyl windows are also eco-friendly, you get that feeling of satisfaction knowing your investment made your home into a more eco-friendly abode.

New windows also allow you to welcome more sunlight into your home. Now, you can easily open your windows to let the fresh air in and allow better ventilation inside the house. You also get to enjoy more sunlight and vitamin D, which helps cut down your lighting costs while improving our physical and mental health.

Update Your Plumbing

Making updates to your plumbing can do wonders for your health. For one, having a new filtered water system installed gives you better access to safe and potable water. This eliminates the possibility of you getting sick from drinking contaminated water.

Having clean water readily available makes it easy to keep the house clean. You will have peace of mind knowing you are using clean water to wash our clothes, clean the dishes, and even prepare and cook your daily meals. Aside from these benefits, updating your plumbing enables you to address home repairs related to your water fixtures and pipes.

Leaky or burst pipes can cause water damage, which can wreak havoc to your belongings. This can also cause mold and mildew growth, which can be harmful to your health. The last thing you want is to have harmful molds cause you flu-like symptoms, respiratory damage, and even memory loss just because you fail to address what appeared to be simple mold growth.

couple at home

Transform a Room into a Fitness Room

Having a dedicated room back home where you can engage in your favorite exercises is a sure way to keep yourself happy and healthy. If you have a spare room or an unfinished room, then you can turn this into your fitness room. The good news is, you get to decorate it the way you want because you get to make all the decisions now that you are living solo.

First, you want to make sure you invest in some matting so that your floors won’t get damaged from your weights and personal gym equipment. It pays to paint the walls with an energizing paint color. Add mirrors so you can watch and push yourself to maintain a good form while you exercise.

Don’t forget to install a reliable sound system so you can make working out more fun. Adding a TV or bringing in your laptop lets you watch some motivational videos while you exercise. Get yourself a whiteboard on one wall so you can keep track of your workouts.

Go for a Mini Kitchen Makeover

Revamping your kitchen will help inspire you to prepare and cook healthier meals. You can start by painting your kitchen cabinets, giving your old backsplash a makeover, and replacing your old countertop with a stainless steel one. Stainless steel countertops are a favorite in commercial settings because they look great, are very easy to maintain, and sanitary.

With a new gorgeous kitchen, you get to boost your happiness and well-being. It will be hard to resist cooking more home-cooked meals and sharing your healthy food recipes with family and friends. This is also a great excuse to invite your loved ones over once the pandemic clears up.

The kind of home improvements you can tackle should depend on your current needs and your budget. If you have more budget to spare, then the more projects you can engage in for a healthier home. These projects can help you live a happier and healthier life even if you are currently living solo.

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