woman touching her toes

Healthy Lifestyle Actions to Alleviate Your Body Pain

The aches you feel in your body can be a symptom of various conditions. Body pain can also result from your daily life’s activities, especially if you workout, stand, or walk for too long. Other things that may be causing your body aches include dehydration, stress and anxiety, flu or cold, lack of sleep, vitamin D deficiency, pneumonia, and anaemia.

Furthermore, they may also occur alongside other symptoms such as changes in body temperature, fatigue, and weakness. Generally speaking, though, body pain is relatively harmless and easily treatable. Continue reading to find out the best ways to naturally relieve body pain.

1. Practice good sleeping habits

In case you’re not aware, having good sleep habits is effective for promoting healing and managing pain. As much as possible, a person needs adequate and restful sleep. According to the National Sleep Foundation, it’s essential to sleep on your side with your legs and torso in a straight position to relieve neck and back pain. Such pain points are usually a result of wrong sleeping positions. Other things you may experience include headaches and muscle cramps.

If you’re experiencing hip strains, you can get good sleep by placing a pillow between your knees. Avoid this position if you’re a stomach sleeper to prevent muscle pressure or back pain. Experts also recommend a better mattress for best results.

2. Practice positive thinking

Most people assume that negative thinking can only take a toll on their mental health — often leading to anxiety, stress, and depression. But did you know that this influences your overall health? Yes, even physically. These negative thoughts and emotions can hinder you from developing better habits and possessing a happier mood.

Studies show that people with chronic pain had lower levels of pain, impairment, and anxiety by using active coping strategies. They also tend to function better than people who use passive coping strategies. Furthermore, researchers also found that positive thinking can reduce pain ratings or the processing and perception of pain.

3. Use the right shoes

wearing sneakers

Not all individuals are aware that their shoes are beneficial for preventing injuries and making physical activities or daily routines easier. This is why choosing the proper footwear is essential. Poor shoe choice can lead to sports injuries such as Achilles tendon pain and shin splints. It can also contribute to lower back pain and postural issuers.

That being said, it’s best to opt for orthotic footwear that provides excellent support to the structure and mechanics of the legs, ankles, and feet. This is something crucial to note as there are shoes, for example, that only offer minimal arc support to make the footwear look better. The downside is that this isn’t good for your feet. Other factors to consider when choosing the type of shoes to buy include firm support, arc height, insole quality, and overall versatility.

4. Schedule downtime

This doesn’t come as a surprise, but people who tend to overwork themselves often forget the importance of a good downtime. If you’re constantly on the go or packed up with schedules, avoid burnout by making time for rest. Burnout can only elevate levels of pain and stress.

Experts recommend engaging in breathing exercises to help focus on reflecting or clearing the mind. You may also try using other meditation methods such as repetition and guided imagery. Moreover, you can schedule your downtime to do your hobbies, which is ideal for keeping your mind off the pain. Or better yet, spend your downtime doing nothing.

5. Try anti-inflammatory drinks

Another popular technique of relieving pain, especially on the joints, is trying anti-inflammatory drinks. As their name suggests, drinks of these kinds can potentially help in reducing body inflammations. But of course, you’ll need to drink them regularly. There are ginger and green tea, which help reduce muscle pain and soreness and help with digestion. You can opt to prepare this infused herbal drink at home or buy ginger-green tea bags at the store. Other anti-inflammatory beverages that you can drink include lemon and turmeric tonic, functional food smoothie, apple cider vinegar drink, and tart cherry juice.

Keep in mind that while body pain is usually harmless, it’s still best to consult a qualified healthcare specialist to have it checked and diagnosed. This is highly recommended, particularly if you’re experiencing other serious symptoms such as passing out, having trouble drinking or eating, bad cough, extreme fatigue, or seizures. These might result from an underlying condition, so be sure to see your primary care doctor right away. Take steps to ensure that you don’t worsen what you feel.

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