Celebrity Workouts: Best Fitness Routines You Can Do at Home

Getting that celebrity look has been made easy in recent years as celebrity trainers reveal the fitness routines they used with their clients on the Internet. Wherever you are, you can always try these workouts as long as you possess the right gym equipment. Actually, not all celebrities are gym buffs. Some of them have just started working out because their career demands it. Thus, there surely is a celebrity workout that suits your fitness needs and level.

If you are preparing for your most-awaited red carpet moment, don’t wait any longer to start a fitness routine. Even if you are not an aspiring Hollywood personality, you should try your best to look good as long as you are preparing for on occasion. Here are some exercises that helped celebrities get that sculpted body that many people look up to.

These exercise routines are based on expert trainer Jr Allen’s recommendations. JR Allen has worked with celebrities and has been customizing body workouts for them. Try this routine at home together with intense dedication, diet, and health habits to see the best results.

For this workout, you need a pair of light dumbbells. In the absence of this equipment, you can use filled water bottles or soup cans to increase resistance. Choose an area at home that is clear and free from furniture and other obstacles. Remember not to overexert yourself, especially the first few times you tried a celebrity workout.


The warm-up takes five minutes to complete 20 jumping jacks, 20 squats, and 10 push-ups.

Part One

Now that your body is warmed up, you are ready to burn more fats and calories. The following exercises also would like to target your lower body and core. You must complete three rounds of these recommended exercise combinations: alternating lunges, squat jumps, plank, and side lunges.  Do these exercises for 10 minutes and feel the burn.

Alternating lunges: Do 15 reps of alternating lunges on each leg. Make sure to execute these lunges alternately.

Squat jumps: Do squat jumps for 45 seconds.

Tighten your core like a celebrity.

Plank: Planks are great exercises to develop your core, abs, and glutes. Suspend your body in mid-air using your forearms or hands. While doing this, make sure to maintain a straight back. Hold for 45 seconds. You may also start with 15 seconds and build momentum every day.

Get your legs sculpted. Get that confidence of a celebrity and wear your most daring outfit. Are you ready? First, let’s get your legs sculpted with powerful side lunges.

Side lunge with curls: Start from a neutral standing position and lean to your right. This position makes your left leg straight while the right knee bends. Your arms should stay rested on both sides. Turn to the other side by returning to the neutral standing position. Then, do biceps curls using both arms. To make this more effective, try using 5-10 pound weights. Do this exercise 20 times on alternating sides.

Be ready for a total body workout to burn more calories.

Be ready to execute 3 rounds of plank rows, high knees, alternating crunch, and squat push-press. You need 10 minutes to complete this round. Try using model photos to imitate this position properly. This set of exercises can increase your heart rate, thus burning more calories. Also, these exercises help you strengthen the muscles of your whole body.

man working out push up

Blast the belly fat.

A protruding belly is a discouraging detail that will ruin your celebrity look — blast belly fat by doing alternating crunches. With a mat, lie on the ground and rotate your torso so that you can bring the right elbow to your left knee. Do this exercise on alternate sides for 60 seconds. Protect your head and neck while doing this exercise. Don’t let them assert effort while lifting your torso.

Build lower and upper body strength.

Do the celebrity-style squat challenge to increase heart rate and build muscle strength in the upper and lower bodies. Use a 5-10 pound weight for this exercise.


Relax your body by doing 5-10 minutes of light stretching. Easy and common stretches may include a hamstring stretch or doing a cat/cow pose. Consider using a foam roller to relax your back, back of your legs, and calves.

Having a celebrity body takes time and dedication. If you are one of the event organizers, you surely don’t want to be left behind. Get your dream body now. You may be busy arranging the event and ensuring that everything, including the red carpet rental services, is taken care of. Yet, your busy schedule should not hinder you from reaching your body goals.

You can also inspire other people by documenting your progress by posting photos on your social media. In posting these photos, also mention the event you are organizing to increase its fame and visibility.

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