exterior of a tiny house

Common Elements that Make Tiny Homes a Success

Tiny homes are housing alternatives that many people are looking into at present. These small houses have huge benefits. Some of them are affordability, sustainability, and practicality. The costs that you need in building one are lesser compared to a traditional house. Tiny house owners advocate environment-friendliness and minimalism, as well.

Building a tiny home could even be a DIY project from the ground up. It could also be a mixture of some professional work and a touch of the homeowner. Whatever path the homeowner chooses, there are some essentials they should remember. These things are usual elements seen in most tiny houses. Here are some of them.

Durable and Sustainable Materials

Tiny homes support sourcing for reclaimed materials that the homeowner could still use. For example, the whole house itself could be a recycled truck or shipping container. Others use reclaimed tin or wood as sidings. Aside from being cost-effective, using salvaged materials helps to lessen waste.

In other instances, owners of tiny homes prefer to use new materials. But, they still have durability and affordability in mind. Thus, they look for the best kinds that would meet these criteria. For example, using laminate flooring is a popular option for a tiny home. This flooring option boasts a low maintenance quality and easy installation feature. Aside from these, laminate flooring is cheaper compared to other alternatives. You do not have to sacrifice the look because it comes in various designs, as well.

Wise Use of the Vertical Space

Tiny homes have limited floor space. Thus, the homeowner must learn how they can maximize the vertical space. Most tiny homes sport a loft-type bedroom or use bunk beds. In doing so, comfort and sleep are not sacrificed. Owners of tiny homes can still pride themselves on stylish and cozy spaces where they can turn in for the night. Some tiny homes even have double lofts. The second loft can accommodate guests or could serve as storage.

Another way to make good use of vertical spaces is to install floating shelves or hanging boxes. Aside from them serving as good storage places, you can also make them as focal points of the room. You may also use recessed wall shelves, even on the narrowest walls in kitchens and bathrooms. You can still put some spices, condiments, or toiletries there.

Convertible Furniture or Features

Another way to enjoy your tiny home is to invest in pieces of furniture that you can fold and forget. One old example is a trusty sofa bed. But, if you want to be more elaborate, you can have a Murphy bed or Murphy table. You only need to make sure that you have secured mounts for accidents not to take place. This warning is most applicable to a Murphy bed.

There is another classy innovation that a homeowner could incorporate in a tiny home. Large roof windows can bring in more natural light to a home which would help it look more spacious. But, what makes these roof windows interesting is when they convert to balcony spaces. Though it is only fit for one person, it is such a welcome feature to have in a tiny home. You would have a chance to step into the outdoors during sunrise to welcome the day or late at night to gaze at the stars.

Inclusion of Outdoor Spaces

Tiny homes can make people feel claustrophobic at times. The easiest solution is to remember to incorporate outdoor spaces. It does not have to be elaborate. The idea is to allow some breathing space and an opportunity to commune with nature.

It could be a small porch where you can put a hammock or a few comfortable seats. You could also have a lovely garden where you can try your hand on some blooms. You may even plan and put a fire pit and picnic chairs outside your tiny home. This site would be perfect for some cozy conversations under the stars. Some take it to great lengths and put a small pool outside their tiny homes. The possibilities are endless and would depend on one’s interest. The important thing is to have the chance to step out and feel the benefits of being one with nature.

Thoughtful Design

People who live in tiny homes learn the concept of minimalism. They have to master putting function above form. In doing so, they have to think of clever ways to be attentive to what they include inside their homes.

For example, instead of having a kettle, they can opt for a hot water tap. This way, they only get what they need at the time when they have to use it. Smart storage spaces are also popular in tiny homes. Some examples are underneath the staircase or under the bed. Clutter is something that you should stay away from when you live in a tiny home.

Choosing a tiny home as your home is exciting and challenging at the same time. You have to make sure that space would not limit what you want to do in your living spaces. When you execute a well-designed space, you would feel fulfilled to be in a space you could call your own.

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