home workout

Home Exercises to Keep Yourself Fit during the Pandemic

Even as you’re asked to stay at home to avoid catching the virus, it’s still important for you to exercise so you’ll stay fit and healthy. If you’re planning to exercise at the nearest gym or fitness center, always remember to follow proper health protocols. If you’re not keen on going out, you can also exercise at home.

Here are some home exercises you can perform to keep yourself fit in the middle of the pandemic.

Weight Training

If you have weights at home, you can opt to perform weight training in the comfort of your home. But if you don’t have weights, you can use what’s available. You can use canned goods or milk gallons as weights. Bottled filled with water can also be used. With the popularity of weight training during the pandemic, it has become challenging to order weights you can use at home.

Weight exercises are typically done in sets of three with 10 to 12 repetitions per set. You can increase the repetitions when you start building muscles. The exercise you can perform at home includes dumbbell curls, dumbbell rows, or even deadlifts. But these exercises will depend on the weights available at home.

If you’re planning to work on your endurance, you can increase each exercise’s repetitions while having shorter breaks in between each set. For muscle growth, you can start with challenging weights and maintain your form while performing the exercise.

Backyard Exercises

If you have a suitable backyard, you will have numerous exercise options. This is particularly true if the backyard has a nice layer of couch grass on it. Opting to exercise in your backyard is safer than going to the gym.

The exercises you can perform in your backyard include jumping jacks, lunges, and squats. If the backyard is big enough, you can even jog around. You can also kick a ball around the backyard or practice some soccer drills if you’re into the sport. Other backyard exercise options include sit-ups, push-ups, and planks.

Virtual Fitness Classes

yoga session

If joining fitness classes in the gym is not for you, you can opt to join virtual fitness classes instead. A lot of gyms and fitness centers have started to offer fitness online. Many of these fitness classes are free. So, you can go online and look for a fitness class you like.

But before joining an online class, you should make sure to prepare your exercise area. You should have a designated space in the house where you can exercise. Adjusting the lighting in the area will also help set the mood when you exercise.

If possible, you should also use a television rather than your laptop when you join these online classes. The bigger screen of the television gives the illusion of being in the class itself. You should also have a regular schedule for your workouts. Additionally, you can use your own playlist while exercising if you’re not keen on the playlist the instructor is using.


If you’re planning to strengthen your muscles but are not eager to lift weights, Pilates will be the best option for you. Pilates is a low-impact exercise designed to increase muscle strength and improve flexibility. It also enhances postural alignment.

As a beginner, you may practice mat Pilates classes. These classes require a mat that cushion pressure points. They use gravity to strengthen your muscles. The other type of Pilates is the reformer class. These classes require resistance bands or springs to help you build your muscles.

While there are other things to use in these classes, you can stick to the basic equipment before moving to the next level. The exercise works on different muscle groups, including your abdominals, inner and outer thighs, hips, and back. So, you can expect sore muscles after performing them.


Another exercise option you can perform at home is yoga. While yoga is similar to Pilates, yoga integrates a spiritual side to the exercise. It unites the body, mind, and spirit using movement, breaths, and meditation. The exercise also uses a mat, but it’s thinner compared to the mat used in Pilates.

There are 11 major types of yoga, including Vinsaya yoga, Bikram yoga, Ashtanga yoga, and Anusara yoga. There are also several variations of these traditional yoga forms. For instance, the exercise has creative forms like laugh yoga and antigravity yoga.

Aside from strengthening your muscles, yoga also enhances your flexibility. Yoga also offers relief from back pain and symptoms of arthritis. It can also help you manage stress, which has increased during the pandemic.

Exercising during the pandemic is important. But it’s also essential for you to keep yourself safe while exercising. So, exercising at home is your best option if you want to stay fit and healthy in the middle of the pandemic.

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