woman assembling weights at the gym

How to Get Back in Shape After the Pandemic

If you’re one of the many people who gained surplus pounds during the pandemic, do not be too hard on yourself. The lockdowns probably upended your fitness routine, and there’s no reason to blame yourself. According to a New York Times article, stress-eating and weight gain are understandable consequences of the current plague. This claim was supported by a study published in the Obesity Journal.

Still, pandemic notwithstanding, you should not let yourself go. There are ways to keep fit even in the comforts of your own home. You can do active housework. Follow TV or YouTube workouts. You can even do bodyweight exercises.

Now, if it’s too late for those, at least promise yourself that once the pandemic is officially over, you’ll do everything in your power to regain your old, fit self. Here’s how you can do that.


There are many ways to travel. You can go backpacking. You can book ATV tours. Or volunteer in faraway places where you’ll have an immersive experience, to say the least.

Whatever travel path you choose to take, the important thing is you’re making your muscles, joints, and bones work. Traveling might not qualify as an exercise per se, but it can be a pretty active endeavor enough to burn surplus calories you’ve ingested over the past year.

So book your travel ticket as soon as it’s safe to go out for a big adventure. Make it extra fun by letting your friends and loved ones, with whom you have been isolated for a long time, to tag along.

passport and duffle bag

Go back to the gym

This is obvious but still worth noting. After months of zero gym visits, the prospect of returning to the gym for a date with those bench presses might seem a little intimidating for you now. Your muscles have been in a no-work mode for a prolonged time, and you might worry they’re no longer up for the challenge.

But that should not be the case. Your muscles ache to ache. So give them what they want. Pay for a gym membership and sweat those baked goodies out.

Go hiking

If you want to ease yourself into being active again, you can choose hiking as your gateway to physical activity. Luckily for you, you live in a country with the best hiking trails.

Visit Maine and trek through the enthralling Penobscot and Sargent Mountains. Make your way to Virginia and discover the awe-inspiring Mount Rogers. Fly or drive to Arizona and see the Grand Canyon via the Nankoweap Trail.

Hike with a canine companion if you have one. Document your adventure and post them on Instagram. It’ll be no less than awesome.

Get intimate with your significant other

You have practiced self-control long enough. For the safety of your significant other, and yours too, you probably opted for self-imposed celibacy the past months. As soon as you and your partner get vaccinated, it’s time for some sexy time.

Now you might be wondering why sex is included in this list. Well, for obvious reasons. It’s a physical activity too. One that burns calories, even if it’s not as significant as the calories you burn from running, for instance.

Each minute of lovemaking burns 3.6 calories on average. If you make up for lost time, those love handles might disappear fast.

Sleep right

Those lockdowns probably ruined your routine. You became obsessed with binge-watching Netflix shows. You began sleeping very late. Waking up past lunchtime. Such a sleeping habit wreaks havoc on your metabolism. And once the plague goes away, you must do something about it.

Go back to a normal sleeping schedule. And make sure you get at least six hours of sleep every night. Remember that weight gain is associated with poor sleep quality.

Eat healthily

You’ve had enough of baked goodies. You’ve had your fair share of junk food while you’re on your jammies in front of the TV. Those midnight snacks you’ve eaten should last you for another year. Once wearing masks is no longer the norm, it’s time to eat healthy again.

COVID-19 vaccines are now being administered worldwide. Soon the majority of the globe will be inoculated, and herd immunity will finally be achieved. By then, your movement will no longer be limited. You can once again pursue physical activities you are passionate about. Here’s to hoping that by then, you shall have gained a renewed appreciation for your health. And become even more committed to following the kind of lifestyle that’s beneficial to your mind, body, and soul.

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