woman drinking protein shake after working out outdoors

5 Fitness Tips for People Living With Asthma

  • Avoid triggers while exercising, such as windy or dusty conditions, and allergy-proof your home.
  • Warm up for at least five minutes before any physical activity and take deep breaths.
  • Consult a doctor before starting a new fitness routine and add supplements to improve asthma symptoms.
  • Low-impact exercises such as swimming and yoga are better for people living with asthma than for higher-intensity activities.
  • Exercise can help reduce the severity and frequency of asthma symptoms.

When living with asthma, it’s essential to understand how to maintain a healthy and active lifestyle without aggravating the condition. With the right information and preparation, those living with asthma can still enjoy all the benefits of an active lifestyle. Here are five tips for safely incorporating exercise into your routine.

1. Avoid Triggers While Exercising

When exercising with asthma, it’s essential to avoid any triggers. As the air quality can be a problem for those living with asthma, it’s best to work out in an indoor environment that is well-ventilated and minimally polluted. Additionally, while running or doing HIIT workouts outdoors is often recommended, you should avoid exercise if conditions are too hot or cold, windy or dusty, as these can all act as triggers for an attack.

2. Allergy-Proof Your Home

If you live with asthma, you need to create a safe environment at home that reduces your risk of an attack. Regular cleaning is important when it comes to keeping dust and other allergens out of your home. However, it’s best to take extra precautions by hiring professional deep cleaning if you live with asthma or allergies. During a deep clean, the professionals at an allergy-proofing company will use special tools and equipment to remove particles hidden in your carpets and upholstery. They will also use unique removable covers on furniture, mattresses, and pillows to protect against dust mites.

3. Warm Up Before Exercise

couple warming up and stretching before exercise

Warming up before exercise can significantly impact your asthma, as it reduces the risk of an attack during activity. This means stretching for at least five minutes before any physical exertion and taking deep breaths through your nose, exhaling slowly through your mouth to increase your body temperature and expand the lung’s capacity for oxygen-rich air. Additionally, if you feel shortness of breath or dizziness during warm-up or exercise, stop immediately and take some time to cool down.

4. Work With Your Doctor

When starting a new fitness routine, you should always consult their doctor to ensure the activity is safe for you to do. Additionally, it’s important to be honest about any medication you may be taking and talk through any concerns. By doing this, your doctor can better advise you on safely incorporating exercise into your lifestyle without increasing your risk of an attack.

5. Add Supplements and Dietary Changes

Adding supplements like magnesium and vitamin D3 and making dietary changes such as avoiding processed foods, cow’s milk, and sugar can all help improve asthma symptoms. It’s also important to increase your intake of fruits and vegetables and include omega-3 fatty acids in your diet, as these can reduce inflammation and help alleviate asthma symptoms.

Commonly Asked Questions

How Can I Exercise Safely With Asthma?

woman doing yoga exercises at home low-impact exercise concept

When you have asthma, you must be aware of your environment and exercise cautiously. Avoid exercising outdoors when pollen or other allergens are present and try to avoid cold air, which can cause asthma symptoms to worsen. Additionally, warm up before exercising and take breaks if needed. You should also carry an inhaler in case of emergency or flare-ups.

Are Certain Types of Exercises Better for People Living With Asthma?

Low-impact exercises such as swimming, yoga, walking, cycling, and strength training are often better for people living with asthma than higher-intensity activities such as running. This is because these activities are less likely to trigger asthma symptoms. Additionally, it’s important to find exercises you enjoy and stick with them — consistency can help improve your overall health and asthma control.

Is It Okay to Work Out When My Asthma Symptoms Are Flaring Up?

Before exercising when your asthma symptoms are flaring up, you must talk to your doctor first. If they give the okay, then exercise is still possible but be sure to stay at a lower intensity level and take frequent breaks throughout your workout session. It’s also wise to keep an inhaler handy in case of emergency or flare-ups.

Can Exercise Help Control Asthma Symptoms?

Yes, research has found that exercise can help reduce the severity and frequency of asthma symptoms. Regular exercise can improve lung function, reduce inflammation in the airways, and increase overall fitness levels, which can help control asthma symptoms. However, it’s essential to speak with your doctor before starting an exercise program if you have asthma, so they can provide guidance.

In Summary

Incorporating exercise into your life does not have to be a challenge when living with asthma. With suitable precautions, those with asthma can still participate in physical activities safely and enjoy all the benefits of leading an active lifestyle. By following these five tips, you can ensure that you are taking care of yourself while also reaping the rewards of regular exercise.

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