basement with pipes

The Ultimate Guide To Remodeling Your Basement

Your basement is an invaluable part of your property. When utilized properly, your basement can be more than just a place where you keep boxes of unused stuff. You can take advantage of the extra square feet and transform your home into a more valuable asset. Aside from having the extra living space, you can make an additional profit should you decide to sell your property in the future.

You can be tempted to renovate your basement all by yourself, but a professional basement contractor can do a better and flawless job. Your remodeling will be done much more quickly, more efficiently, and in a much safer way. You might sometimes end up experimenting when you do it by yourself, and you spend even more. A professional basement contractor will do the job right, saving you time and money.

Secure Your Permits First

Before any work for home improvement can start, you must obtain permits from the city first. If you have hired an architect, he or she must submit the plan to the city for approval. These permits are designed to protect you and future owners of your home by making sure that the remodeling work adheres to the building code and regulations of the city. It ensures the safety of the structure and the safety of your family as well. Regulations can differ per city, so it is important to know what are the requirements in your city.

Things To Include In Your Pre-Assessment Activities

Due diligence is required to ensure that your home can withstand any construction activities that come with your basement remodeling. Some basements will require structural work before they can be converted into a living space. If there are any structural issues, such as foundation issues, plumbing, electrical, and other important features, they must be addressed immediately before any major changes are made.

1. Check the integrity of your home’s foundation.

Before you get excited to begin your basement remodeling, you must ensure that your foundation is in a sound state. Check your foundation for the following problems:

  • Cracked walls
  • Curved outside walls
  • Cracks in the flooring
  • Bowing floors
  •  Horizontal cracks
  • Soft concrete

2. Check the basement for signs of flooding or water problems.

Examine the walls, floors, and the ceilings for signs of flooding and water damage. Leaking pipes or drips can go unnoticed for years, especially if it’s in a dark basement. These water issues can lead to more serious and costly problems and repairs.

Basement flooding is another issue that you should uncover. It usually occurs during big rains, but other reasons can also bring flooding in the basement. Seepage through the walls coming from surface water or sewer problems can also cause basement flooding. Before you go plan for a great basement makeover, you must make sure to address the cause of flooding in your basement.

3. Check your ventilation.

Make sure that the ventilation system of your basement is working. Poor ventilation can lead to rotting smells and water damage. You can add one or two windows for natural ventilation. Aside from reducing moisture, it can also help you save on your utility bills. You can also add a dehumidifier or an exhaust fan to make your basement more comfortable.

4. Check for rots and damage.

Wood rot can lead to serious structural problems, such as deteriorating posts and beams, floors, and joists. Wood rot is caused by moisture and fungi. It is most prevalent in damp areas. High humidity and moisture in the basement make it prone to rots. It can spread unnoticed until it is too late.

Steps To Do Before The Grand Basement Renovation

waterproofing basement

After you have ensured that your basement is ready for renovation and remodeling, it’s time to begin the next phase.

1. Know what you want.

What do you intend to do with your renovated basement? Do you want to use it as a recreational room, an additional bedroom, or an entertainment room? This will dictate what fixtures you need to buy and the changes that must be done to your existing basement.

2. Set a budget.

How much are you willing to spend? Your budget will be one of the main drivers of your renovation. It can also avoid you stopping in the middle of the project because you lack the funds. Be practical and stick to what you can afford.

3. Pick a renowned and trusted basement remodeling contractor.

A basement remodeling contractor can help make the job easier for you. From the design to the floor plans, your contractor will translate your plans into paper, then into reality.

Convert your basement to add more space to your home. However, careful planning is needed to ensure that you won’t run into some serious problems.

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