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Top Fitness Trends to Boost Your Workouts

The pandemic has brought many changes in society. From social distancing rules to work from home setups, the world has changed in an instant. Even if restrictions have lessened, some facilities and activities remain off-limits because of the risks that they bring. Even with some gyms and fitness centers reopening, some people still feel unsafe to work out in an enclosed space with other people.

But your health and fitness should be a priority. The state of your health affects all other aspects of your life, from the personal to the professional. Fortunately, you don’t have to venture out to stay fit.

With these trends, you can still get fit and healthy.

Take Your Fitness Home

In a survey of 2,000 Americans, three out four respondents said it was easier to regularly do their fitness routines at home. Some 64 percent of the respondents said that they are now more interested in at-home fitness than they were before.

Even with the roll-out of the vaccines against COVID-19, it will be a long while before countries see positive results. So expect more people will be out shopping for gym equipment for a home gym.

Investing in home gym equipment may seem expensive. But once you have set it up, it will be all worth it.

You can convert a portion of your garage or your basement into your personal fitness area. Get epoxy floor coating systems to transform your floors, making them safe and gym-equipment ready. Of course, you can have a good work-out without the need to buy expensive gym equipment. You can start with a pair of dumbbells, exercise bands and an exercise mat. The treadmill or adjustable weight bench for your cardio and strength workouts could come in much later when you have the funds. Alternately, look into home gym system designed for multiple exercises for different parts of your body.

Not having enough space at home for dedicated gym space? You can still work on your fitness even with minimal equipment at home. Free exercise and fitness applications, as well as YouTube videos, can help you have a good home workout. Most of the exercises in these apps and videos require minimum equipment. With an exercise mat alone (or even none), you can have your home fitness regimen.

Let Wearable Fitness Devices Help You

Wearable fitness tech has been on the rise these past years. Expect more people to use them in the coming years. Sales of wearable devices went up last year by 30 percent, as more and more people became conscious of their health.

A smartwatch lets you monitor your steps, hours of sleep, heart rate and burned calories among other features. Some can even measure oxygen saturation levels, while some have a water resistance of up to 50 meters. You can safely wear them while you are doing your laps in the pool.

Quick And Intense Workouts Will Be More Popular

man lifting weights

People are always busy. Work hours are stretched. Parents need to manage the household and take care of their children. Quick yet intense short-duration workouts have become popular, as manifested by the popularity of apps focusing on micro-HIIT workouts.

HIIT stands for High-Intensity Interval Training. A micro-HIIT workout is a series of short, high-energy, and high-impact exercises that effectively builds your endurance and strength. In those short minutes, you push yourself harder than you normally would in a workout with longer intervals and many repetitions. You perform an activity in shorter bursts but with higher intensity.

These exercises are beneficial for people who do not have enough time in their daily schedule for a workout. It allows you to switch up your exercising methods. You can even exercise throughout the day at your chosen time: in the morning, while waiting for the laundry, or while waiting for your coffee in the coffee maker. It is convenient as much as it is effective in reducing your body fat.

Your Eyes Need Some Care, Too

People spend too much time in front of a screen, froma computer to a smartphone. Eye yoga exercises, composed of gentle movements to gently massage and move the eyes, can help reduce tension around the eyes. Although there is no evidence to support claims that eye yoga can improve and correct eye conditions, such as nearsightedness, the practice may help relieve eye strain after a day of work and Zoom meetings.

Whatever the year and the season, staying fit should always be on-trend. If you feel you need guidance for your workouts, enroll in online or virtual workouts where you will be guided by an online instructor. With technology, working on your fitness can be easier, even from the safety and comfort of your home.

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