DIY cards

7 DIY Ideas to Keep Your Occupied During Lockdown

Given that this lockdown period is going to take more than just a few weeks, a lot of folks are starting to get cabin fever and anxious about boredom. People are trying to think of creative ways to pass the time, hopefully speeding up the day that the lockdown ends.

Some have taken spring cleaning seriously at this time ensuring their home is clutter-free, clean, and disinfected. Others, on the other hand, have taken a sudden interest in gardening to add to their property’s curb appeal. Some residents of Provo UT or Greenwood IN are thinking of doing sewage cleanup in their neighborhoods.

The only thing is not everyone is as hardcore into spring cleaning as these folks are and would like to do some other things that they can also enjoy and not see as work or a chore.

We have listed a few fun ideas you can do either by yourself or with your family to keep boredom at bay.

7 Lockdown DIY Ideas to Keep You Occupied

1. Woodwork

Woodwork projects such as building tables, benches, consoles, and other home furniture are always worthy projects to take on. You can work on projects for the house like a bar top console table or something for your kids to play with such as a farmhouse oven.

2. Craft Projects

Arts and crafts are a hit, especially with moms and children. It allows them to be creative and resourceful with ordinary things you can usually find around the house such as strings, cardboard, pieces of cloth and other ordinary household items.

3. Miniature and Scaled Dioramas

Miniatures and scale models are time-consuming but satisfying and rewarding once the project is finished. The materials used will vary depending on the concept of the build. Some extremely talented builders can come up with very realistic dioramas and models. However, if you’re just starting, do not feel pressured to have a good output as theirs.

4. Indoor Garden

Since it is spring, some folks have taken advantage of this season to work on their gardens. If you do not have a backyard or a front lawn to work with, consider working on an indoor garden. You can make beds or take planters and fill them up with soil to plant seeds or seedlings in.

5. Corona Greeting Cards

Get the whole family in on the fun and work on something that will brighten up people’s days. You can work on get-well-soon cards for COVID-19 patients or thank-you cards for our frontline workers and essentials. These may be easy to do but will leave a lasting impact on the lives of those who receive them.

6. Chalkboard Walls

Transform any wall in your house easily with just chalkboard paint. This is ideal for your kitchen or your children’s rooms or playroom. This project is fun and so easy to do.

7. Repainting Rooms or Furniture

Woman doing wall painting

Repainting walls and furniture around your house gives it a facelift and makes it look fresh and new. Just be careful to not splatter paint on unwanted areas.

There are a lot more creative and fun ideas online. You can find other things that are great for the entire family or you as an individual. As long as it helps you cope during these trying times, go for it. Have fun working on these projects!

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