crooked teeth

Do You Need to Have Your Teeth Straightened?

A survey found that cosmetic surgeries remained in demand last year, even when the COVID-19 crisis was in full swing. Since most Americans were stuck at home in compliance with the intermittent lockdowns, plastic surgeons saw a rise in demand for procedures ever since they re-opened their clinics. At the top of the list were liposuction and breast augmentation, and there has also been a demand for botox and other procedures that allowed patients to recover at home. While we’re all free to do what we want with our bodies—cosmetic procedures included—not all procedures and treatments are essential. Here are some reasons why having your teeth straightened is more “essential” than others, and what your options are for fixing your misaligned teeth.

Why misaligned teeth need to be fixed

The level of necessity for braces varies from case to case, but there are many reasons why crooked teeth need to be straightened. Here are some of them:

  • Crowded teeth are the perfect breeding ground for bacteria to wreak havoc inside the mouth. These harmful bacteria can cause periodontal disease, tooth decay, halitosis, and other oral issues. These bacteria are often formed through food particles that get stuck between crowded teeth. Straightening the teeth will help enhance the blood flow within the periodontal tissues, which entails healthier teeth, healthier gums, and fewer places for bacteria to accumulate inside the mouth. Straight teeth are also much easier to clean and brush, which means a much easier time keeping bacteria at bay.
  • As mentioned above, straight teeth help reduce one’s risk for periodontal disease, which is the infection of the dental tissues, or those that hold the teeth in place. While it’s normally caused by poor dental habits like lazy brushing and flossing that allow for plaque, it can also be caused by crooked and crowded teeth because, as stated, they make it harder to clean the teeth thoroughly. If left untreated for a long time, periodontal disease can become severe periodontitis, which forces the immune system to fight the large amounts of bacteria, which can then prove detrimental to the health of the mouth since it can negatively affect the gums and cause the jaw bone tissues to break down—which can be excruciatingly painful.
  • Teeth misalignment that causes periodontitis greatly increases one’s risk for more gum disease, which can eventually affect other parts of the body and trigger an infection in the heart valves and inflammation in the heart vessels.

As to what kind of braces you should get, here are some of your options:

woman with braces

Metal braces, which are some of the most traditional braces one can wear. They are attached to the teeth with bands, brackets, and flexible wire that will be tightened and loosened depending on the teeth’s needs. These braces are more encouraged for those who have more complex dental alignment issues. In some cases, headgear is required on top of the fixed braces. This headgear is only worn at night. Since braces have improved greatly in the past few decades, metal braces have also come a long way since their inception. There are now brackets that are much smaller and more comfortable, and there are also multicolored rubber bands that the users can choose to match their personality.

Another option is ceramic braces or clear braces. They are made of transparent or tooth-colored ceramic brackets attached to the teeth the same way that metal braces are. They function the same way that metal braces do; only they are clear and much less discreet than their more traditional counterparts. The only downside is that ceramic braces are known for staining and breaking more easily than metal ones. They are also a bit more expensive, depending on the work needed to be done, your location, and insurance coverage.

Invisible braces like Invisalign, on the other hand, are mostly invisible, as their name suggests. The aligners are custom-made to fit the user’s mouth, fit every tooth like a mouthguard, and replaced twice a month. Invisible braces are not recommended for those whose tooth alignment issues are more severe and complex. And the last option is lingual braces that are similar to invisible braces, except they’re only attached to the sides of your teeth.

The Bottom Line

At the end of the day, the best course of action is to consult with experts who know exactly how to treat your misaligned teeth. JC Dental & Implant Studio is a trusted dental practice whose mission is to make dental health a pleasant experience for everyone. So don’t hesitate to make an appointment and give your teeth some tender-loving care.

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