roofing close up

Roof Damage: Telltale Signs and the Consequences of Leaving Them Unresolved

We may not be thinking about our roofs often, despite them being our best defense against all the external elements, from the frostiest snows to the scorching heat of the sun. If a storm were to occur at this moment, a great chunk of our worries is eliminated by a roof. That’s how essential they are, and yet they don’t receive much attention as needed.
But it isn’t hard to figure out why we don’t inspect our roofs often. Most roofing materials are low-maintenance and have a lifespan of at least 50 years, so we tend to feel completely assured that they won’t break down on us anytime soon. However, no matter how tough and long-lasting roofs are, they aren’t immune to issues, and when a minor problem isn’t mended, a series of costlier damages may follow.

That said, let’s discuss the telltale signs of a damaged roof and the consequences of neglecting them.

1. Leaks

Leaks are the most common indication of a damaged roof, and also the most dangerous. If you notice that your ceilings have developed water stains on them, it’s most likely a leaky roof that’s causing it. Neglecting this damage may lead to mold and mildew growth, which can be detrimental to the health of occupants with respiratory health conditions.

Furthermore, mold and mildew can spread rapidly, starting from your structural components, down to your HVAC system, and to the rest of your home. Removing mold is arduous and costly, so have a leaky roof repaired immediately.

2. Damaged Shingles

installing shingles

A single broken shingle is bound to develop into a leak, and not to mention an eyesore. If you have enough time and you aren’t afraid of heights, you can DIY the repairs, but it’s decidedly more advisable to call in a professional roof installer from New Orleans or any other area. Better not risk your safety for a task you aren’t accustomed to performing.

3. Rusts

If you notice heavy rusting along the gutters, loose flashing, and chimney flashing, those are also leaks waiting to happen. Rusts can be scraped off, but it might be a time-consuming task. Replacing the rusted metal or having them professionally cleaned is a more convenient and long-term solution.

Hazards of Roof Leaks

Every sign of roof damage leads to the same problem: leaks. A leaky roof can bring about other safety hazards aside from mold and mildew infestation.

A fire may occur if the electrical wiring in the ceiling or attic gets wet; hence, once you spot a ceiling stain, contact an electrician just to be certain that your home isn’t at risk of catching fire.

If the leaks are severe, they will form puddles on the floor, posing as slip and fall hazards. Puddles are especially dangerous to children and the elderly, who may not easily notice the wet floor. Costly hospital bills are on your way if you don’t fix the damage immediately.

The structural components of your home will also suffer the effects of a leaky roof. When water seeps through the framing, ceiling joists, rafters, fascia boards, and exterior trims, they will degrade and rot, weakening your entire home’s structure and ruining the aesthetics, since the damage will show through peeling paintwork, damaged ceilings, and warped wall coverings.

Lastly, although not a safety hazard, a damaged roof can escalate your utility bills. Water intrusion affects the insulating properties of a roof, prompting you to use your HVAC systems immoderately.

Knowing how serious the costs of neglecting a simple leak can be, let’s start to take our home maintenance duties up a notch by including the roof to our regular inspections. The storm season is just around the corner, so let’s have any damage fixed now before the harsh weathers worsen them.

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