
For Sports Insurance Agents: Best Investments for a More Successful Career

Some say sports insurance is just another expense on the athlete’s tab. But in reality, it is an actual must-have. This is since injuries are a lot more common when training and during actual competitions.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the average annual estimate for sports-related injuries is 8.6 million. This goes to show just how many people get injured for playing and training their favorite sport. This is also one reason why many are also planning to make a career as a sports insurance agent.

If you are thinking about becoming a sports insurance agent, then there are things you should prepare for to kick start your career. Aside from earning your license, there are other things worth investing in. Here are four things you will surely need to boost your career as an insurance agent.

A Mobile-optimized Website

These days, all businesses have a website. As we shelter in place, more people are out of the streets and are now into online shopping. But then, not everyone is constantly on their laptops browsing for the things they want and need.

Simply having a working website is not enough to entice online consumers. This is especially true with your target audience. Athletes, their sponsors, and coaches are mostly using their mobile phones due to their busy schedules. It only makes sense to ensure your website is working perfectly for these mobile users who can’t afford to log in to their laptops just to find an insurance agent.

Aside from a professional, easy to navigate, and beautiful insurance website design, you need to ensure your website is mobile-optimized. Now, you can try to do it yourself. But since you have more important things to do and clients to talk to, you can simply work with a local company that specializes in optimizing websites for insurance agents like you.

Continuous Network Building

network building

Everyone who wants a successful career must realize that networking is essential no matter your industry. There is no point in limiting yourself by reaching out to your target audiences. It also helps that you widen your network to boost your chances of success.

For one, signing up for sports events and tapping on the network you build can help you land new clients. They can increase your client base by referring you to their connections. You don’t necessarily need to confine yourself to sports influencers, teams, and sports-related events.

There are many ways to widen your network. For one, charity and non-profit sponsored vents are a great way to show your support to different causes. This will not only help establish your brands are a business with a purpose. You can also get strengthen your reputation, engage employees, and even meet new people wanting to take up a sports insurance career.

Regular Prospecting

One of your hobbies should be prospecting. There is no point in waiting for clients to contact you or your referrals from your existing customers. You need to be diligent when it comes to prospecting of allowing your competitors to get ahead of the game.

One should set aside at least an hour of prospecting. Think about cold calling, email marketing, and a referral rewards program. These are but three ways you can prospect more clients into your business.

Be sure to keep an eye on your target audience’s pain points. Athletes can have different needs depending on their sports. Address any concerns asap and be sure to keep your lines open in case a potential client comes in with their questions.

The Right Questions


What type of questions do you ask your target audiences? Do you simply ask the same questions asked by other agents? If you want to be unique and invoke the kind of emotions that will make your prospects say yes to your offers, find a common ground and ask the right questions.

For instance, if you are talking to an adult athlete who already has a family, you will want to ask more personal questions that also relate to you. You want to hear their stories, share your own, and why they need your insurance offers without sounding like a regular agent.

If they are a breadwinner like you, then they surely want to secure their families’ future. You can use this as a conversation starter instead of simply pinpointing the obvious reason insurance is a must. The most you can do is to prime their brain into thinking that they are doing their loved ones a favor for getting insured.

Sports insurance is never easy to sell. Despite this being an actual need of athletes, many are still reluctant to buy insurance. It is your job to enlighten your target audiences on why this is not something they should take for granted. Making the right investments will make it easier for you to accomplish such a goal.

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