model of teeth

The Importance of Keeping Your Gums in Good Condition

Food will always play an integral role in our sustenance. Whether it’s having a square meal, drinking a beverage, or having snacks in the middle of the afternoon, eating will always be our primary source of nutrition and calories to take on the day. Of course, we have to chew our food and grind it down with our teeth. But there are instances that food particles and debris can get stuck in between our teeth, which can be embarrassing if we’re trying to smile and talk to someone.

But can you imagine someone smiling with damaged gums or broken teeth? It’s not going to be a pretty picture, which will usually have a lasting effect on a person’s image. While eating might help us stay healthy, eating habits can damage both our gums and teeth.

So what are some essential ways of maintaining our and gums? What are some diseases that we have to watch out for? Here’s what you’ll need to know.

What Makes Oral Hygiene Important?

For many individuals, maintaining good oral health seems like a non-issue, especially when they have more pressing matters to attend to. Certain studies have pointed out that around 3.9 billion individuals worldwide suffer from some form of common oral disease that could seriously damage teeth and gums. Since teeth play an integral purpose in a person’s survival, it’s only logical to find different ways of keeping our teeth and gums well-maintained.

Compared to teeth known for being durable and “long-lasting,” gums need even more care and supervision, especially when they’re sensitive to external contact and diseases.

The Importance of Your Gums

The first thing that most people think of when they hear about “oral health” is that it focuses on the teeth. In reality, the gums are just as important as the teeth since it’s the foundation of your teeth and your jaw’s bone structure. Not only does it supply blood and the necessary nutrients to the teeth, but it also provides a seal that will keep bacteria and disease-causing organisms out of the roots.

If the gums get compromised, this can often lead to tooth decay and a deformed set of teeth. Essentially, the gums will hold much of your teeth in place. Like tooth decay, gum disease is prevalent, with over half of the adult population over 30 needing treatment.

woman's teeth

Gum Diseases to Watch Out For

When someone has gum disease, the infection will usually damage the teeth’ tissues while making them soft and sensitive. Usually, the leading cause of gum disease is poor dental hygiene. This can often cause a cascade of problems to your teeth since your gums usually support the structure.

There are two types of gum disease that you’ll need to look out for:

  1. Gingivitis – The first type of gum disease that you’ll need to be aware of is gingivitis. This is characterised by swelling and the “rawness” of your gums. This is known for being the first initial stage of gum disease. This can also lead to bad breath, which can put off others that you’re talking to. Fortunately, this can be remedied with good oral healthcare. Although this might be quite common, it’s not hard to prevent.
  2. Periodontitis – If gingivitis is not addressed and treated through good oral hygiene, it can evolve into periodontitis. Compared to gingivitis, which can be easily prevented, the disease-causing bacteria have rooted themselves deep in the gum line, which can cause problems with the teeth. This can often cause tooth decay. Most operations that are related to tooth loss are tooth replacements in the form of dental implants.

The misalignment of teeth is often caused by damage to gums and tooth decay. If you’re planning on repairing damaged teeth or having them aligned, you might want to consider visiting a professional periodontist that can help you align your teeth with braces.

However, braces can sometimes be disruptive of the eating process and are generally uncomfortable. Fortunately, you can get hassle-free and comfortable invisible aligners like Invisalign. Not only will this keep your teeth aligned and straight in a seamless way, but having professional help can decrease the likelihood of oral diseases.

Various ways can prevent gum disease and keep your teeth and gums in a pristine condition. You have to know the necessary habits and practices to maintain their health. If you feel like your gums are sore and red, you might want to consider getting it checked out by an expert. Still, good oral hygiene can definitely go a long way.

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