fit man jogging in the field

The A-Z of Taking Care of Your Body

COVID-19 is an invisible enemy the world was not prepared for. It has shaken our healthcare system, taken the lives of hundreds of thousands of Americans, and caused anxiety for millions of people across the globe.

One way to protect ourselves from the virus is by preparing our bodies. Here is an A-Z guide to taking care of our body and health.

An apple a day

Fruits are high in fiber and a good source of vitamins and minerals. When it comes to consuming nutrients, it’s better to get them from fruits rather than supplements.

Breathing exercises

Doing regular breathing exercises can help reduce anxiety. Inhale deeply and slowly through your nose, slowly exhale through your mouth, repeat. Do it for several minutes every morning before starting your day.

woman meditating on a field


Follow through with your health commitments. Waking up when you’re supposed to and working out on schedule can help boost your self-esteem and help you move from duty to discipline to delight.

Dental care

Here is the holy trinity of oral care: Brush your teeth twice a day with fluoride toothpaste for two minutes each time, make a habit of flossing, and visit your dentist regularly for cleaning and checkups.

dentist doing dental treatment on a female patient

Eat healthily

Healthy eating is one of the foundations of good health. The rule of thumb is this: Fruits and vegetables need to occupy 1/2 of your plate, whole grains—1/4, protein—1/4, and healthy plant oils in moderation.

Fresh air

Stay-at-home orders need not preclude you from leaving your house once in a while. Take time out of your day to breathe some fresh air and get some sun.

Good night’s sleep

Proper sleep hygiene has been associated with good health since time immemorial. For ample sleep, experts say adults need 7-9 hours of sleep each night.

woman sleeping in bed


The first step to caring for your hair is to understand its needs. Is it dry? Are you suffering from dandruff? Do you have split ends? Examine hair’s needs and find products that can help address those issues. Wash your hair twice a week if it’s dry, and on alternate days if it’s oily.

Immune system

Boost your immune system by incorporating citrus fruits, red bell peppers, ginger, spinach, yogurt, broccoli, and other immune system-boosting foods into your diet.


Aside from regular exercise, jogging regularly can help strengthen your muscles, build strong bones, and help you maintain a healthy weight. It can help distract your mind from negative thoughts, too.

Improved coordination is one of the many benefits of exercise. Work out regularly to enhance your hand-eye coordination and reflexes.

Lose weight

Obesity is one of the conditions that aggravate COVID-19. If you’re overweight, make weight loss one of your fitness goals during the quarantine.

Mental health

Our minds and bodies need to integrate if we want to be holistically healthy. Be proactive about your mental health by practicing good self-care and seeking professional help if you need it.


Make sure you have balanced nutrition by consuming foods from all five food groups. Choose foods that are low on sugar and saturated fat.


Always ensure your home’s indoor air quality by maintaining your HVAC systems. Take care of some houseplants, too.


Don’t neglect your leisure time! Play some video games; spend time with your family. It’s good for you.

man holding controller

Quit unhealthy habits

The pandemic is the perfect time for you to quit smoking, drugs, and excessive drinking—all three can contribute to being a high-risk individual.


Knowing when to take breaks is a vital part of healthy living.


Examine your skin’s needs and find a skincare routine that works for you. A simple routine involves cleansing, moisturizing, and wearing sunscreen.

Think positive

Our bodies and minds are intrinsically linked. Studies show that positive thinking promotes better cardiovascular health and helps increase one’s lifespan.

Understanding your body

Be intentional about listening to your body’s needs. Observe your breathing and your body’s responses in general. Knowing what issues need addressing is half the battle.


Make vegetables a staple in your diet—the base to all your meals. Eating vegetables can help prevent chronic diseases and even cancer.

Wash your hands / Wear a mask

Our first line of defense against COVID-19 is practicing minimal public health standards—keeping our distance, washing our hands with soap and water, and wearing a mask.


The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends at least 150 minutes of moderately intense physical activity or 75 minutes of vigorous routine per week to help decrease your body’s susceptibility to COVID-19.


Practicing yoga can do wonders not just for your body but also for your mind and spirit.

Zest for life

And lastly, don’t let the pandemic rob you of your zest for life. Despite everything, there’s still so much to look forward to and to live for. So fight for your health and do your part in reducing the spread of the infection.

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